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Predatory sex offenders? No, it was against all sex offenders! I predicted that after the elections many of the cities like Carson and National city would redress the issue quietly behind chambers as the City of Lancaster did.

This might be the time to contact all of our state representatives as well. We have many newly elected members of the assembly and the Senate. A blast of calls and emails might be a great way to get their attention from the start.

Writing letters about them redressing issues of judicial discretion that would give our judges more freedoms on the bench and a tiered registry and how it only makes good sense.

The sweetest part of this victory is that National City was the first city to adopt an ordinance that prohibited all registered citizens from being present in or near many locations within that city. The second sweetest party is that the Mayor of National City wrote a guest editorial published in the San Diego Union Tribune stating that the city would not repeal its ordinance. We are well on our way to eliminate all city and county ordinances that restrict the presence of registered citizens. More than 50 ordinances have been repealed or significantly revised and 10 lawsuits are pending which are expected to result in more repeals.

Wow… this Lindsay guy committed a crime in the future O.o in 2979

An interesting wrinkle is that the nobody was ever charged under the ordinance.
From this it seems clear that 1) (logically) it was a solution looking for a problem and 2) (politically) its adoption was primarily for the purpose of currying favor with the voters – at the expense of registrants!

No, the reason they had to repeal this ordinance isn’t because there is a loophole in state law, which these hacks who write these stories religiuosly imply. The reason is the people whose job it is to lead don’t read the reports provided by the FBI and the CDCR about the levels of reoffense or the CASOMB reports about the counterproductiveness of these ordinances. Nor do they care to know how these ordinances adversely affect registered citizens or their children, who they are also sworn to protect. Or maybe they just don’t know how to read or make rational public policy, based on evidence, but take the path of least resistance, riding on a public wave of fear and ignorance.

I was granted the dubious honor of chatting with many of Orange County’s mayors and city councilmen last night at an after election party. It was almost humorous to see the look on their faces after this 16 year Army veteran disclosed he was a registered sex offender.

We registrants need to get more involved in politics and show these people we are real citizens that can be and are positive members of society. I disclosed to many of them the leverage I use to get this person elected. We family together can and will do wonderful and unimaginable things if we stand together for what is just and true.

One registered sex offender affected a campaign election…imagine what the rest of us can do!! The ideas came to me after much prayer. Let’s take back our Rights! Ask me how via Hair salons and hairstylist how this was made to happen. If you care for those that work closest to the public politicians have to listen. It’s a matter thing. We don’t matter but if we can affect change that does matter change will happen to influence everything for us.